Black Washed History
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Explore the hidden history of Black culture and uncover the untold stories that have shaped the world with Black Washed History—a podcast that goes beyond the usual narratives to explore forgotten history, trailblazing historical figures, and groundbreaking cultural milestones. Formerly known as The Coin: Black History on the Other Side, this podcast reveals the lesser-known chapters of Black history that deserve recognition and celebration.
While many know about 1619, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Panther Party, there is so much more to discover. From the achievements of Black leaders and innovators to the rich cultural history of the African diaspora, Black Washed Historydeepens your understanding of the past and its impact on modern society.
This is not just another boring history lesson—it’s a journey into the dynamic and diverse narratives that shaped the world. Through captivating storytelling, we bring Black history to life*\ in ways that are both educational and inspiring.
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Produced by Historians Connect, Black Washed History is your gateway to exploring hidden narratives and building a deeper connection to the rich tapestry of Black history. This podcast challenges perspectives and inspires listeners to see history in a whole new light.
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Black Washed History
S2.Ep 3-They Came Before Columbus Part III-The Mandingo Traders in Medieval Mexico
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In this episode Black History educator Brittany Wilkins discusses the African presence in Ancient America with the story of Mandingo Traders in Medieval Mexico.
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Episode Title: They Came Before Columbus Part III-The Mandingo Traders in Medieval Mexico
Episode Description: In this episode Black History educator Brittany Wilkins discusses the African presence in Ancient America with the story of Mandingo Traders in Medieval Mexico.
Episode Script:
Opening show quote
We observe the fusion of two forces, tradition and newness, to produce the Aztec empire. This fusion was accelerated by the arrival of a series of cultured immigrants who brought with them ancient knowledge. The most interesting are those whom the chronicles name Those Who Returned.~Ignacio Bernal, Mexico before cortez
Welcome Message
Welcome to Season 2 of The Coin: Black History on the Other Side. I'm your host Brittany Wilkins author, black history educator, and founder of Historians Connect.
- Ivan Van Sertima Purpose
Ivan Van Sertima wrote the book They Came Before Columbus with the intent to reconstruct a fragmented history of Africa in the America's. His purpose was to rebuild libraries of history that had been destroyed. It was estimated that over 84,000 books were destroyed that killed off African/and or black history. His goal was to not only re-write the history, but rid the minds of the Eurocentric viewpoints of history. His pioneering work in linguistics and anthropology brought to light the African presence in Ancient America prior to Columbus discovering America. Van Sertima writes about how not only did they arrive in the America's, but the influence they made integrating with other cultures. In today's show we will discuss the Mandingo traders in Medieval Mexico.
2. Description of Mandingo Traders
The traders had migrated to Tenochtitlan(tuch*nowch*teet*laan) today known as Mexico City. No one had no idea where they originally came from, as all sorts of people were gravitating toward the lakes to form the of nucleus of New Mexico. The traders were described as the black merchants from the Hot Lands selling vivid colored mantles of cotton cloths, golden ear pendants, & smoking pipes. The appearance of these men dressed in loincloths made observers pass judgement on them as being barbaric(barr*bear*rick) and wretched.
3. Religious Influence
Settling into Mexico the traders had built houses and a temple. A wooden statue of a werewolf stood at the forecourt of the temple. The Coyotli-naual was built in the form of a werewolf and a man. Dressed in coyote skin, but had the figure of a slightly bent over old man. A human mask covered the coyote head. Protruding from its mouth were long pointed gold teeth. Decked out in black stones was a stick in the hand of the statue. The statue resembled the appearance of the black traders with small white rattles on the ankles and sandals of yecotl leaves on its paws. Haven't experienced or seen anything like this before featherworkers in town were fascinated & loved all the exquisite new material that was being exchanged through trade. As the new main attraction in the city Africans had influenced those to join in their rituals and festivities. The origins of the werewolf cult were was traced back to the Bambara, the leading tribe of the Mandingo of Medieval Mali. In examining Mexican rituals, it was observed the God of the Amanteca was clothed in werewolf skin, similarly wearing a human mask on its head. In the Mexican ritual the God also yields a stick deck out in black stones. In Bambara rituals feathered carcass of two great birds are part of the ceremonies. In comparison to the Mexican rituals a pot is carried on the back of the god with numerous feathers of a bird. According to the text the Quetzalli(Ket zalee) bird was introduced by the pochteca. Pochteca is defined as long distance traveling merchants in the Aztec Empire. Visually you could see the Mexico God wearing an anklet of small white rattles. Rattles were are part of the Bambara rituals. Is it by coincidence that we see similar parallels between the Bambara tribe rituals and Mexican rituals? Van Sertima states we can see the confluence of cultures. We can look at it as merging or blending of cultures seeking to understand each other & adopting customs, rituals, & goods they were not previously accustomed to.
4. Adoption of Language-Nagualism
- Mandingo traders not only played a role in influencing new cultural norms in Mexico. The infusion of linguistics & adoption of Nagualism. Nagualism is the belief of Nahuals. Merriam Webster defines Nahuals as a personal guardian spirit or protective alter ego assumed by various Middle American Indians to reside in an animal or less frequently in some other embodiment. In his book Van Sertima references Daniel Garrison Brinton.
- Daniel Garrison Brinton was an American surgeon, historian, anthropologist, and ethnologist who authored the book Nagualism: A study of Native American folk lore and history. In his book he discusses the nature and meaning of nahual and the derivatives of the verbal root na. It was concluded that the word na and the body of beliefs attached to them-nagualism were brought into Mexico by foreign medicine men.
- Furthermore it is discovered the meaning of Nahual meaning knowledge. Mystical knowledge, the knowledge of the hidden secret things of nature. Evidence suggest that root word na, nahual, nagalism was not ever found in the dialect of the Mayan society prior to the arrival of traders from the Hot Lands.
5. DNA -Scientific Studies
During their time in the America's the mandingo traders mixed and mingled. In the 1960's serological surveys were conducted on the Lacandon Indians of the Maya tribes. Serology is the scientific study or diagnostic examination of blood serum. Dr. Alfonso de Garay Director of the Genetic Program of the National Commission for Nuclear Energy in Mexico, uncovered from his surveys early and extensive contact between the Lacandons and Africans. As Negroid characteristics had been found in their blood. Dr. de Garay's report includes, a reference to the sickle cell, which is a malaria resistant mutant gene that usually is only found in the blood of black people.
From eyewitness accounts, to linguistics research, & scientific studies Africans were in ancient America prior to the arrival of Columbus.
- The value of They Came Before Columbus showcases a different black history, that there is far more to black history than slavery.
- His book shows the impact Africans had on the civilizations they interfaced it. More importantly his work back up is backed up by references that point you to the evidence.
- As quoted by publishers weekly They Came Before Columbus is a big boost to black cultural history.
- I encourage anyone seeking to learn a different black history other than slavery, to read this book.
- Let us honor Ivan Van Sertima legacy for his dedication, commitment, and sacrifice in rebuilding libraries of history to educate the generations of the past, present, and future.
Thank you for tuning into the Coin: Black History on the Other Side. More to come in season 2.
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